When You Cant Go Home Again


25. When I exercise/ When I've done When and If


Study this instance:

'I'll phone you when I get dwelling house' is a judgement with ii parts:

· the main part: I' ll phone you and

· the when -part: when I get dwelling house

The time in the sentence is future (tomorrow), but nosotros use a present tense (I get ) in the when -office of the sentence.

Nosotros do not use will in the when -part of the sentence.

Some more examples:

· Nosotros' ll go out when it stops raining. (not when it will stop)

· When you are in London again, come and see us. (not When yous will be)

· (said to a kid) What practice you desire to exist when yous grow upwardly? (non will abound)

The same thing happens later while /before /afterwards /as soon as /until or till:

· What are you lot going to practice while I'm away? (not while I will be)

· I'll probably go back home on Sunday. Before I become , I'd like to visit the museum.

· Expect here until (or till ) I come up back.


You can besides use the present perfect ( have washed ) after when /after /until /as soon equally :

· Can I borrow that volume when yous' ve finished with it?

· Don't say annihilation while Ian is here. Wait until he has gone .

If you utilize the nowadays perfect, one affair must be complete before the other (then the two things do not happen together):

· When I've phoned Kate , we tin take dinner. (= First I'll phone Kate and after that we can accept dinner.)

Practise non use the nowadays perfect if the two things happen together:

· When I phone Kate, I'll ask her nigh the party. (not When I've phoned)

It is frequently possible to use either the present simple or the nowadays perfect:

· I'll come up as soon as I finish . or I'll come equally presently as I've finished .

· You'll feel improve later on you accept something to eat. or You'll feel better after you lot've had something to eat.


After if , we unremarkably apply the nowadays simple (if I do / if I see etc.) for the time to come:

· It's raining hard. We'll get wet if nosotros go out. (non if we will go)

· I'll exist angry if it happens again. (non if information technology will happen)

· Bustle up! If we don't hurry , we'll be late.


When and if

We employ when for things which are sure to happen:

· I'm going out afterward. (for sure) When I become out, I'll get some bread.

We employ if (non when) for things that will maybe happen:

I might become out later. (it's possible) If I go out, I'll go some bread.

If it is raining this evening, I won't get out. (non When it is raining)

Don't worry if I'm late this evening. (non when I'm late)

If they don't come up soon, I'm non going to wait. (non When they don't come)



Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets. All the sentences are almost the future. Utilise will/won't or the present simple ( I see /he plays /it is etc.).


When ____you are_____ (you /be) in London again, come and run into united states of america.


I desire to see Sophie before ________________ (she /go) out.


Call me when ________________ (you lot /know) what time you 're going to get here.


I'm going out now. ________________(y'all /be) here when __________ (I /go) back?


I think everything will be fine, merely if _____________ (there /be) any bug, _____________ (I /call) you, OK?


We must do something soon before __________(information technology /be) as well late.


Anna looks very unlike now. When _________ (you /see) her again, ______________(you /not /recognise) her.


Steve has applied for the job, but he isn't really qualified for information technology. ______ (I /be) surprised if ___________ (he /get) information technology.


I'm going to be away for a few days. If _______ (yous /need) to contact me while ___________ (I /be) away, here's my mobile number.


I don't desire to get without you lot.. _________(I /wait) for you until __________ (y'all /be) ready.


Brand one sentence from two.


It will finish raining soon. And then we'll get out.

________We'll go out when it stops raining_______________


I'll find somewhere to live. Then I'll give you my accost.

I ____________when _____________________.


I'll exercise the shopping. So I'll come up direct back home.

_________________ later _________________.


It'south going to get dark. Let'southward go dwelling house earlier that.

_________________ before _________________.


She must apologise to me outset. I won't speak to her until then.

______________ until ______________


Read the situations and consummate the sentences.


A friend of yours is going on vacation. You want to know what she is going to exercise.

You lot ask: What are you going to practise when y'all are on vacation?


A friend is visiting you. She has to go soon, but y'all'd like to prove her some pictures.

You enquire: Do y'all accept time to wait at some pictures before ____________________?


You want to sell your car. Marking is interested in ownership it, but he hasn't decided yet.

Yous enquire: Can y'all let me know every bit soon equally ________________________________?


Your friends are going to Hong Kong presently. You desire to know where they're going to stay.

You ask: Where are you going to stay when ______________________?


The traffic is very bad in your boondocks, simply they are going to build a new road.

You say: I remember things will be better when they _____________.


Put in when or if .


Don't worry ______ if ____ I'm belatedly tonight.


Be careful. You'll hurt yourself ___________you autumn.


I'yard going to Rome next calendar week. ____________ I'm at that place, I hope to visit a friend of mine.


I'yard going shopping _________ y'all want anything, I can get it for y'all.


_________ 1 don't encounter you tomorrow, when will I meet you again?


I'k going away for a few days. I'll call you _____________ I get back.


I promise Sarah can come up to the political party. It volition exist a shame ___________she can't come.


We tin can eat at domicile or,____________ you lot prefer, we can go to a eating house.



two she goes

three you lot know

4 Volition yous be ... I become

5 there are ... I'll phone call /I will telephone call

6 it's /it is

7 y'all run into ... you won't recognise /you volition not recognise

8 I'll be / I will be ... he gets

9 you need ... I'm /I am

10 I'll look /I will wait ... yous're /you are


two I'll requite you my accost when I find somewhere to alive. Or ….when I've found somewhere to live.

3 I'll come straight back habitation after I practice the shopping. Or ... afterwards I've done the shopping.

4 Let's go home before it gets dark.

five I won't speak to her until she apologises. Or ….. until she has apologised.


2 you get I you lot leave

three you lot decide or you've decided /yous have decided

4 yous're in Hong Kong /you get to Hong Kong

5 build the new route or 've built the new road I accept built the new road


2 if

3 When

4 If

five If

half dozen when

7 if

eight if


Source: https://englishexercisesources.blogspot.com/2019/12/25-when-i-do-when-ive-done-when-and-if.html

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